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Guidance Bulletin 30

Well Informed! Proper Use of Information Boards

The courtesy or information board is a very important piece of the signing and guarding set up of any site on or off the public highway. An Information Board MUST be displayed at every works (if multiple sites within a street, then more than one board may be appropriate) except for mobile works and minor works which do not include excavation involving the use of a vehicle e.g., gully cleaning.

These signs come in many formats and designs depending on the client / company you may be working for. But they should all contain the same message. You may combine the Information and Permit Board. The information board must give the name of the organisation undertaking the works, any principal contractor, and an emergency contact telephone number (which should be in larger text than rest of the board). Wherever practical, it should also contain other information that will be helpful in explaining to the public why the work is being done, how long it will take and a message apologising for inconvenience.

signage image

  • DO place one of these boards on every works in the highway (including footways & footpaths)
  • DO make sure there are enough boards for the works. For major works or multiple sites in same street one sign at each end of the works should suffice. See next point for permit areas
  • DO make sure that where a combined permit / information board is used the permit number is correct and clearly displayed on each board
  • DO make sure freestanding signs do not obstruct footways or carriageways
  • DO make sure any sign is securely fixed to the barrier
  • DO make sure it is the correct sign for the works and company / client you are working for
  • DO make sure boards are clean and not damaged and can clearly be seen by pedestrians and possibly drivers who are stationary
  • DO check the details on the board are correct especially the phone number and any permit number as required
  • DO check your site before you leave and take appropriate photos to evidence sign placement in the event of a query
  • DON’T leave site without checking the board is in place and correct
  • DON’T put boards up that are incorrect for the company / client as this provides misleading information
  • DON’T use damaged or dirty boards
  • DON’T obstruct footways or footpaths, always allow the minimum required space of 1m to pass any sign

HAUC(UK) thanks Morrison Water Services in their help in the creation of this guidance.

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