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Guidance Bulletin 44

Wait Here Please! Temporary Footway Closure

There is an implicit hierarchy for footway work (see MSB006) within the Safety at Street Works and Road Works Code of Practice (Red Book) giving the order in which you should consider the options. The safety code says that you should always try to enable pedestrians to remain on the footway and that the remaining width available to them should ideally be a minimum of 1.5m.

With this in mind the code identifies a number of factors that should be considered in deciding the appropriate method for guiding pedestrians past the site. When working on the footway you will be required to leave an ABSOLUTE minimum of 1.0m unobstructed width, if this cannot be achieved then you must consider alternatives (see MSBWS006). The basic rule is that you must not choose to close a footway without good reason or without informing the Highway Authority.

Sometimes works are required that temporarily restrict or prevent the free passage of pedestrians past the works (traffic-sensitive times are to be avoided whenever possible). Such activities include the collection and delivery of materials, and limited excavation or reinstatement activities. In some circumstances it will not be possible to provide an alternative footway because of restricted widths or other factors. In such circumstances TEMPORARY FOOTWAY CLOSURE BOARDS may be used to ensure pedestrian safety.

Do's and Don'ts

  • DO Check no alternative footway is available or can be provided;
  • DO Carry out a site specific risk assessment before using this measure to include:-
    • Volume of pedestrians
    • Proximity of locations such as schools
    • Speed of traffic on any adjacent road
    • Volume of traffic on any adjacent road
  • DO Consider visibility for adults, children, wheel chair users and partially sighted
  • DO Restrict the length of time any footway is blocked to a minimum
  • DO Risk assess the situation and if you cannot adhere to the above you MUST seek advice from your immediate line manager
  • DON'T Start work until you have completed a SITE SPECIFIC risk assessment 
  • DON'T Leave a site using this measure unattended at any time unless the footway is made safe to use
  • DON'T Leave site without making sure that the correct SLG is in place
  • DON'T Block a footway unless it is necessary 
  • DON'T Ignore approaching pedestrians you have committed to secure their safe passage past the site if you deploy this measure 

HAUC(UK) thanks Morrison Water Services in their help in the creation of this guidance.

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